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Social Media & the Question to Always Keep in Mind
/in Marketing, Social Media Marketing /by AngelStar DigitalOver the years, social media marketing has proven to be a powerful tool for generating leads and boosting sales. Research has shown that consumers think highly of brands with a proven social media presence. Unfortunately, the problem lies in the fact that there are a number of factors that go into an effective strategy, and […]
Vehicle Wrap Installations 101
/in Vehicle Graphics, Vehicle Wraps /by AngelStar DigitalOften described as a billboard on wheels, vehicle wrap installations are digitally printed advertisements made from heavy-duty vinyl. Whereas traditional forms of advertising, such as print, TV, and radio, involve recurring costs, time, and placement restrictions, a colorful vehicle wrap is a cost-effective on-the-go solution. Recently however, this aftermarket practice of covering a vehicle’s original […]
Keywords & How They Improve Search Engine Ranking
/in Marketing, SEO /by AngelStar DigitalSearch engine optimization is tricky to say the least. In the past, optimizing your website was as simple as stuffing as many relevant keywords into your content as possible. But with Google now updating their search algorithms anywhere from 500–600 times in a single year, SEO is now a long-term, never ending game. With the […]
Mascots: Thinking about getting one? Read this first!
/in Branding, Marketing /by AngelStar DigitalStickers: Why You Should Market Your Brand With Them!
/in Branding, Graphic Design, Marketing, Stickers /by AngelStar DigitalFor decades now, stickers have successfully been used to get politicians elected, conversations started, and brands established. However, with social media being the go-to marketing tool in today’s online landscape, often advertisers overlook the timelessness, not to mention the simplicity, of this sticky marketing tool. Available in a variety of material, including chromo, mirror coat, […]
Banner Design Done Right
/in Banners, Large Format Printing /by AngelStar DigitalGoogle Reviews & What They Mean For Your Business
/in Business Advice, Marketing, SEO, Social Media Marketing /by AngelStar DigitalEnhancing the Customer Experience
/in Business Advice, Marketing, Social Media Marketing /by AngelStar Digital3 Simple Point of Sale Strategies for Your Business
/in Business Advice, Marketing /by AngelStar Digital3 Simple Point of Sale Strategies for Your Business
/in Business Advice, Marketing, Uncategorized /by AngelStar DigitalWhen thinking of point-of-sale marketing, chances are big, colorful displays showcasing new products or special promotions come to mind. Often these displays are found in high-traffic areas, such as near or next to the checkout counter, and showcase the price and major benefits of the offering. With the checkout experience playing a key role in […]